Wellness & Martial Arts
There will never be enough words to describe what you mean to me and how thankful I am that you have been such a rock in my life since the beginning of my martial arts journey. You and Christie have supported me in so many ways whether that was teaching me in the dojo, supporting me as Miss Delaware County, sending me encouraging messages to get me through tough times, helping me with crazy projects, and so much more. I look up to you as a martial artist and as a person in general. You are AWESOME and inspire me to life to its fullest. Simply put, I can't thank God enough for putting you in my life as a father-figure that has challenged and supported me to lead a great life and be successful in all that I do. Thank you SO much. I love you!

Dojo family,
Thank you for this journey we've been on together, for the guidance and teaching we've provided one another, and for the support inside and outside of the dojo. I am so thankful that as completely different individuals with different interests and lifestyles, we can come together as a dojo family to continue to grow in the martial arts. Even though I have been very hit-and-miss throughout my undergrad, I'm thankful for your open arms when I attend class and for your grace and patience when I've forgotten something. I am thankful for our friendship and hope this project will provide you with additional tools to refresh and learn skills. I love you all!
Dr. Blom,
Thank you for responding to an email from me, a student you had never even met and probably had never even heard of! Thank you so much for jumping right into and supporting me through a project I am so passionate about. I so appreciate your willingness to push me through this honors thesis project and meet with me every 2 weeks even when you didn't know me. Thank you for your guidance, knowledge, and for keeping me on track throughout this project.

Dr. Lindsey Blom, PhD
Department Chair of the School of Kinesiology
Professor of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Ball State University